LeetCode Daily: Walking Robot Simulation Solution in Java | September 4, 2024

8 Просмотры
???? LeetCode Problem of the Day: Walking Robot Simulation

In today's LeetCode daily challenge, we explore the problem of simulating a walking robot's movements on a grid with obstacles, written in Java.

???? Problem Link: https://leetcode.com/problems/walking-robot-simulation/description/?envType=daily-question&envId=2024-09-04
???? Solution: Pinned on the comments

???? Problem Description:
You are given an array of commands and an array of obstacles. The robot starts at the origin (0, 0) and faces north. The commands array can contain:
-2: Turn left 90 degrees.
-1: Turn right 90 degrees.
positive integer x: Move forward x units.
The goal is to determine the maximum Euclidean distance squared from the origin that the robot can reach, considering the obstacles.

???? Key Points:
Direction Handling: The robot's direction is managed using a dir variable, which tracks the current facing direction.
Obstacle Detection: Obstacles are stored in a HashSet for O(1) lookup, allowing the robot to avoid colliding with them.
Distance Calculation: The maximum distance from the origin is calculated by checking the squared sum of the current coordinates whenever the robot moves.

???? Code Explanation:
Direction Mapping: An array d is used to store the possible movements corresponding to each direction (north, east, south, west).
Obstacle Set: The obstacles are stored as strings in a HashSet to allow for quick checks during movement.
Simulation Loop: The robot processes each command, updating its position and checking for obstacles. The maximum squared distance from the origin is recorded during the simulation.

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Программирование на java
LeetCode, LeetCode Daily Challenge, Robot Simulation
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